Monday, June 23, 2014

Written By Radi Lewis

Before you smash your computer in rage, hear me out on this one. Obviously, John cena winning the title for the millionth time is not the most appealing option at face value, but it is the most profitable option in the long run. For one reason only, it is by the name of Brock Lesnar, the Beast Incarnate is what's best for business. Brock Lesnar, just a couple of months ago, broke the Undertaker's streak( I know, I am sickened by it too) however, where can one go after conquering a major streak like Undertakers, straight into the title picture.?

Now here is why John Cena should win the title at Money In the Bank. First, Sheamus is your United States Champion and is not exactly the most relevant ( shocking, a champion not being treated as such). Alberto Del Rio is NOT world champion material because all he does is lose or win irrelevant matches. Roman Reigns is being groomed as World Champion but needs more build and more standout moments before he becomes champion. Randy Orton had a boring 9 month title reign as champion and I think that no one is clamoring for Orton to be champion. Cesaro is a great wrestler with "out of this world" potential and one day could be champion, but like Roman Reigns would do more harm than good if he won the title.The reason why John cena winning would be great is because WWE could do a revenge storyline with him and Lesnar. Brock Lesnar comes back after Money in the Bank, and avenges his loss from Cena back at Extreme Rules 2012. 

John Cena vs Brock Lesnar is great box office for WWE because it is two mega stars in the wrestling industry. Lesnar conquerors Cena at Summerslam and beats him for the title. Brock Lesnar becomes this Dominant monster who can’t be stopped and just runs over all the good guys. There is only one man who can come back from his injury and save WWE from Brock Lesnar , Daniel Bryan. At the Royal Rumble 2015, Bryan comes back from his injury, wins the Royal Rumble, and his main goal is to regain the championship he never lost. At Wrestlemania 31, David vs Goliath aka Daniel Bryan vs Brock Lesnar with Bryan regaining the belt and give him his moment with 80,000 people chanting YES! to close out this storyline. Now tell me that is not what’s Best for Business!


  1. Bray Wyatt is going to win! Now that's best for business.

  2. While I like your reasoning here I think your timing is off. The Brock/John Cena program for Summerslam is genius, but they Cena doesn't need the belt to make this make. Shoot, have Brock cost Cena his chance at the belt. No, give it to Roman Reigns and let him feud with Bray Wuatt and Seth Rollins over the next few month. Let him keep the strap until The Rumble where he then loses it to Brock and the rest of your plan is perfect for Daniel Bryan and Brock at Mania.

    1. I disagree, I don't think Reigns is ready for the belt yet. he hasnt had enough standout moments to declare that he is ready for the belt. Brock Lesnar winning the belt if booked as a heel monster would not only being very profitable to WWE, in my opinion, it would be very entertaining. However, by Mania, I think that Reigns could beat Lesnar for the title and be a huge babyface. Seth Rollins and Bray Wyatt could be entertaining feuds after Reigns get the belt at mania.

  3. Bray Wyatt for the win , Cena and Bryant fighting for a shot at him . #followthebuzzards

  4. I really like this thought process. There's definitely a good idea in here, even though I agree that Cena as a 14-time World Champion doesn't need to happen.

    The only issue I have with it is that I'm not sure Lesnar can win the WWE Championship at Summerslam and hold it all the way until the Royal Rumble; From what I've been led to believe, Lesnar's contracts are for a very limited number of dates per year. That's why he only shows up at 3 or 4 PPVs of the 12. I'm not sure that WWE would want to pay Lesnar the kind of money he wants to reign as champion between Summerslam and Wrestlemania 31.

    And it's not like they could put the title on Lesnar and have him NOT appear on Raw every week; That's the exact reason they stripped the title off of Daniel Bryan. If WWE is going to have a World Heavyweight Champion, they're going to want someone that's going to be around.

    I'm not saying it couldn't happen, and I can definitely see your situation playing out, if Lesnar was a full-time member of the roster. But because he only makes limited, special appearances throughout the year, I don't think it WILL happen.

    Good thinking, though. I very much appreciate that you aren't just trying to justify your favortie new guy winning the title, like all the people who think Wyatt and Reins have a legitimate chance.

    I look forward to more of your write-ups!

    1. Honestly, I think if Lesnar signed a contract that stated that he would win a World Title, I would think that Vince would add more dates to the contract and probably Brock agreed to it. And as for the comparison to Bryan, They stripped him of the title because he couldn't COMPETE at all within the 30 days ( although, WWE following their own stipulations is not really their formula) I am sure that Brock Lesnar would appear at least two of the four weeks buildup and the PPV itself and defend the title.. Thank you for responding and reading the article

    2. Regardless of why Bryan was stripped of the title or Lesnar's dates/contract dealings, the fact is that WWE don't want to have episodes of Raw and Smackdown that don't feature the WWE World Champion, y'know? Honestly, I think that's why they waited so long to actually strip DBry of the championship -- He was obviously willing to appear on TV, even if he couldn't wrestle for a month or two. But as it became apparent that he wouldn't be able to compete for longer than that, it became a necessity to put the title on someone who would be able to be around.

      The World Heavyweight Championship went through a similar deal on Smackdown in 2006 and 2007. The title was vacated twice in less than two years, and some title reigns were cut short due to legit injuries. WWE doesn't want their major championships not being represented and defended. DBry couldn't defend due to injury, and Lesnar can't/won't defend, due to the health issues that took him out of UFC and not liking the travel schedule WWE demands.

      But I'll be the first one to admit that I could be wrong.

      Again, though, if we were booking based purely on a storyline-driven basis (which we should be, to be fair), I'm all in favor of your proposed idea. Lesnar vs Cena would draw money, and Bryan winning the Royal Rumble (as everybody wanted this year) and then winning the championship back at Wrestlemania 31 would be, well, "best for business."

    3. Actually, I would have to disagree with you to an extent. The Rock was the WWE champion during the WM 29 buildup, WWE whenever he was on TV did some great ratings boost for WWE. Now, I understand that Lesnar is clearly as not good of a draw as the rock is. However, if ratings prove anything, (which is WWE's biggest income for money) Brock Lesnar is a big draw for WWE. They could do the same for Brock and Paul heyman when Brock is not there, We all know that Mr. Heyman can definitely build a feud with a Mic in his hand with Brock's Opponent. Their is still money being left on the table but knowing WWE logic , (lol they wont do either of our ideas)
